When a tooth is damaged the veneer actually repairs the tooth, strengthens it and provides new life to it. Also, it is important to note that if you have damaged a tooth, you must get it repaired quickly. A damaged tooth can quickly become a breeding place for bacteria and plaque to gather, which could lead to more serious problems like an infection or a gum infection. There are, as such, two distinct types of patients who use dental veneers.
Dental veneers have taken on a completely different aspect with the introduction of couture veneers. Couture veneers are the most desirable veneers on the market since they are designed to perfectly replicate your teeth. Subtle improvements have come to be more prized than simply placing a perfect block of shiny white teeth in your mouth. With a growing marketplace, that hit over 600,000 in the mid-2000’s and has not stopped growing ever since, there is an entirely new dimension to veneers today. Creating dental veneers has become as artistic as they are scientific. In order to create the perfect match, between the teeth you have and the new veneers, we are using creative ideas like shading the veneers. Shading the veneers from the top down, where the portion closest to the gum is slightly discolored but gradually gets whiter as it extends into the mouth is one way to make the veneer look very natural. It is a common phenomenon for teeth to have this occurrence.
Another technique that has grown in popularity is to use natural light, making the veneer thin enough and translucent enough to allow light to pass through it. This gives the veneer that same luminescent quality as your natural teeth, and causes it to blend in better.
Why you need dental veneers is not the question. Some people need them for tooth repair and others simply because they prefer whiter looking teeth. In any eventuality, you now have the option of couture veneers that are simply improvements of the teeth you already have. The only caution is that couture veneers typically are slightly more expensive than the traditional white only veneers.
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